Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Superhero Movies

Now this topic I thought was a little bit harder.  In your top three, its the movie, not the character or series.  For that, I wasnt able to pick a Batman, Superman, and especially a Spiderman Film.  First off, the Batman franchise has been through so many changes (and lead characters).  I loved Jack Nicholson as the Joker, but I also really enjoyed Heath Ledgers depiction as well.  However, Batman & Robin was awful, and really tainted the series for me.  The Dark Knight definitely restored some credibility, but thats a whole new era.  The Superman series was good, but not anything I would call a favorite.  And the only redeeming element of the Spiderman series was Willem Dafoe as the Green Goblin.  I would like to punch Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunch in the chest for being so awful.

I'm sure I will see a LOT of variations on these responses, so this should be interesting.

Top 3 Superhero Movies

(always in no particular order)
The Crow
The Crow might be an odd choice, but here it is.  Besides being one of the darker movies involving superheroes out there, it was also something my best friend and I watched pretty regularly when we were teenagers.  Some sort of fascination with this dark character out for vengeance.

BTS: Brandon Lees last film as he was killed on set during a mistake made by the prop masters involving a handgun.

X2 (X-Men Part 2)
X2 is still my favorite of the X-Men series.  Bottom line is the introduction of Nightcrawler, who happens to be one of my favorite characters in the X-Men Comic Series.  The only character I would hold in higher regard would be Gambit, but his first appearance in X-Men Origins: Wolverine is hard to digest...mostly because the movie sucked.  Additionally, Pyro and Iceman get some real good screen time, as well as the preparation of the introduction of the Phoenix.  The opening scene, really sets the tone for the film.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.  Not even going to comment, because I know I am going to get eaten alive.  All I can say, is that I remember seeing this in the theaters as a kid...and it being badass.  Dont hate.

Next weeks Topic: Disney Movies


Name said...

The Dark Knight - It says it in the name, dark. I thought the re-characterization of the Joker was incredible, as well as that the movie focused on Batman, not Bruce Wayne.
Iron Man - It really set the standard for how super hero movies should be made. Great story, great cast, great chemistry and great writing.
Sin City - More focused on morality, or lack thereof, in a disintegrating city, it was not a conventional Superhero movie. The good guys weren't always good, and they didn't all adhere to a Superhero moral code of ethics. On top of that, Robert Rodriguez is an amazing director, the art style was beautiful, it had a killer cast (Josh Garnett, Alexis Bledel, and Bruce Willis to name a few), and the different stories came together to form an interesting, complex plot, where each piece actually related to others.

V for Vendetta didn't quite make the cut because after reading the graphic novel, it just didn't hold up the same way. The movie itself was excellent, but it felt lacking after reading the novel.
Watchmen was much the same, where at the end they left out a very important dialogue between Ozymandias and Dr. Manhattan.

Name said...

*Josh Hartnett in Sin City, always get that name wrong.


Steven L said...

This is simple
My Girl - Makuluy Culkin (spelling) was a superhero whose weakness was bee's.... he just didnt know it...

For realz:

Dark Knight... It was honestly flawless and there is nothing I would change about the film... and that is saying something

TMNT - for so many reasons.... They were my life as a kid

The Incredibles - If you have to ask why this is here, you probably have not seen it.

Unknown said...

-Superman 2 one of the best Superman
-Ironman good action
The Incredibles "no capes" how could you not like that?