Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Black & White Movies

Automatically, Black and White films equal Old.  Well...in the case of my selections, they do.  However, not everyone will agree with my selections.  I had an additional selection for this category, but it will appear on a foreign language film list later on. These three (with an honorable mention) were not hard for me to pick, because these are among my favorite movies of all time.  Ironically, Grapes of Wrath (which is my favorite movie of all time), is only getting an honorable mention.  Because it is in my top 3 of all time, I couldn't justify pigeon-holing it to just black and white.  Deal with it.  Besides, Henry Fonda is in one of my top 3 selections below...so it was natural to mention Grapes.  Enjoy!

Top 3 Black and White Movies

(always in no particular order)
12 Angry Men
12 Angry Men is not your typical film-makers movie.  It would be considered by some to be a talking heads flick.  For those with a short attention span, there are no re-enactments, no explosions, and really only one set: the jurors room.  Story and character driven is what makes this movie fantastic.  Considering that every character is really only a "number" (juror #1, #2, etc), you still become emotionally invested in these characters as they come to a life and death conclusion for somebody else.  If jury duty was really like this, people would be lined up outside for days to participate.  Henry Fonda is fantastic, and this role is only second in quality to his appearance as Tom Joad in Grapes of Wrath.

The clip I chose is pretty intense, and goes to the prejudicial side of these characters.

To Kill a Mockingbird
To Kill a Mockingbird is more than just required reading in high school.  Its a story about law, order, and tolerance.  I am sure there are people that will draw comparisons between the book and the film.  The film is darker than the novel, but as adaptations go from book to screen, this is one of my favorites.  Gregory Peck hits it on the mark as Atticus Finch.

This "clip" is audio only...but also one of the best speeches of ALL time.  I sacrificed motion picture for Audio...worth it.

Citizen Kane
Citizen Kane.  Don't judge me.  I went to film school.  And like EVERYONE that goes to film school, you are conditioned to regard this as the best movie ever made, regardless of what is made from here on out.  Despite that psychological re-education, this movie still stands as a great movie.  Every element of this film is fantastic, and the clip I chose, lets you hear it from the Pros, as well as tastes of some of my favorite scenes.  Favorite scene #1: How to Run a newspaper.  Favorite scene #2: The Speech.  And supposedly the best single word uttered in cinematic history: Rosebud.  If you haven't already...see this film.

Next weeks Topic: Matt Damon Movies


Unknown said...

ok, for those of you that i dont know here are mine...
1. Schindler's list,

one of the most beautiful movies i have ever seen, deep story, excellent photography, and one of the best first 20 minutes of a movie ever

2. 12 angry men, ask chris

3. inherit the wind, incredibly good story, great actors, and some of the loudest voices you will ever hear

Name said...

1. Psycho:
This movie blew me away. I already knew so much about it, except somehow the end, and no matter how predictable I thought it would be the twist still got me. Incredible cinematography, excellent story, crazy characters and a great director to tie it all together.

2. North by Northwest:
Cary Grant. The ultimate man's man. He doesn't start out as a secret agent, but by the end of the movie (actually, about halfway through) he's just as badass (if not more so) than James Bond at his best. Along with an intriguing story, Hitchcock again creates an unmatched action thriller with a machine-gun mounted crop duster.

3. Sin City:
(On an IMDB check, Once Upon a Time in the West is actually color).
This movie is newer, but about 99% black and white, with only a little color here and there for emphasis. I've gloated about this movie before so I shan't again.

Daniel Kim said...

1. Seventh Seal
-Interesting way of using chess as a personification of death. Overall a great classic that was not made by or in the US.

2. Casablanca
-One of the best classic, romantic movies out there.

3. Pi
-Sick, twisted, and outrageously psychotic. Also because i'm a math guy.

Steven L said...

Hmmm, this is kind of hard since I do not see many Black movies, I guess we could go Soulplane, Tyler per... oh... like filmed in Black and white... gotcha...

When I saw Black and White, my mind immediately went to 12 Angry Men and Shindler's List... Since both of these movies have been mentioned, I will try to steer away from them, although 12 Angry Men really is one of my favorites.

1) Double Idemnity - Generally when watching older films, I feel that they will not live up to modern day film making. Not just Graphics, but also complicated plot lines, and overall development of character. This movie can easily stand the test of time. I recommend this movie to anyone who wants to see a detective noir film, and I guarantee that if that is what you want, you will not be let down.

2) Seven Samurai - I am pretty sure this movie was the beginning of "action" films. Not to mention the in depth storyline, and great Camera Work. Maybe you have not heard of the movie, but I am sure you have heard of the Director, Kurosawa. The concept has been redone many times, including the American Western, Magnificent Seven.

3) Invasion of the Body Snatchers - This is Sci-Fi pretty close to its inception. A little cheesy at times, but highly entertaining. Overall a great film though, and so well done.

Honorable Mention - Sunset Boulevard and Raging Bull...

Christopher said...

I gotta say...that all four comments are awesome...and all include some fantastic movies. Steven...Seven Samurai is on my bucket list of movies. Havent seen it...but its listed. This clinched it. Everyone else...your 3rd movie has been added to my queue. strong work.

nfc9rfan said...

OK Black and White movies. Let me say that when I was a kid almost all movies were Black and White and here are my top 3 favorites:
1. (All Through The Night) with Humphrey Bogart is probably my favorite. Lots of mystery and suspense.
2. (Frankenstein) This movie scared the crap out of me when it first came out. Boris Karlof was one of the best monsters ever.
3. (It's A Wonderful Life) still watched by a ton of people every year and one of my favorite Christmas movies.
There are a lot more Black and White movies to choose from and people should do themselves a favor and watch some of them. They would be surprised how much they would enjoy them. A lot of classics just sitting on a shelf. What a shame. And that's my opinion. :)

nfc9rfan said...

Oh by the way, I forgot to mention one of my favorite Black and White movies in which my Father In Law happened to be in.
(Spirit Of Saint Louis) with Jimmy Stewart is still one of my favorites. Based on a true story. Do yourself a favor and watch it if you can. Thanks, Randy

Christopher said...

Funny you should mention Its a Wonderful Life....Christmas movie Topic....but not on my top 3. As for Spirt of St. Louis...Grandpa was in that. He also is responsible for my Hitchcock addiction. You'll notice that I didnt have any Hitchcock movies in my top 3. Good list Uncle Randy!!!

Ave said...

Chris I can't belive u havent seen Seven Samurai. . . no mentions of 'King Kong', Any RKO Astaire & Rodgers musicals or ANY German silents, 'M', 'Nosferatu', 'Metropolis'?! ok considering all that im going with. . .
1. The Grapes of Wrath
2. Top Hat
3. (tie)How Green Was My Valley or The Quite Man

Ave said...

I take it all back!!!

1. Young Frankenstein!!

Christopher said...

Ave, thats the hard part....narrowing it down to three. :-)

Ian said...

I've gotta agree with @Neil on "Schindler's List" often overlooked as a black & white movie because it's not Old. My other favorite is "The Hustler" Incredibly suspenseful scenes via no background music, just the sound of pool balls clinking.