Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Talk about a BROAD topic.  Thats okay though, because I am sure that there will be MANY different responses on what is the best.  I highly doubt that anyone will agree or disagree with my top 3.  Hopefully, I will get to see a bunch of other comedies which are worth naming as the TOP 3.

Top 3 Comedies

(always in no particular order)
Vacation is basically a remake of my childhood adventures with the family on our destination outings.  Chevy Chase, besides being one of the funniest men alive, is THE best Dad of all time.  Just wants his family to have a good time, and will do anything to make that work...at any cost.  Add in the first time we get to meet Cousin Eddie, and this film really becomes the grassroots for a franchise that hit it on the mark every time.  European and Vegas Vacation were mediocre, but this edition and Christmas Vacation make up for it.  The vehicle used "the Wagon Queen Family Truckster" is one of my favorite cars of all time.

Spaceballs.  Mel Brooks is regarded to be the king of Spoofs, and this one happens to be my favorite.  Im sure there will be arguments that Blazing Saddles was funnier, but I have more memories of this film having seen it in the theater as a kid.  And for those that realllly remember back then, I saw it at the Peppertree cinema on Reseda.  Ghettooooo movie theater, but lots of great memories from there.  Too many funny one liners to name, but worth watching the whole thing.

Its a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World
Its a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World. Classic Funny.  All-Star cast.  Excellent writing. An homage to my Dad.  This movie is hysterical, and is family friendly througout.  This clip really doesn't do the film justice, but I had a hard time getting one.  Worth watching.

Next weeks Topic: Soundtracks (actual songs...not just musical score and background)


nfc9rfan said...

Well I am going to try this again. Here goes, I think the top 3 comedies ever made were 1: Dumb and Dumber. To me the funniest movie ever made. 2: It's a mad mad mad mad World. When I was a kid, me and my friends climbed over the fence of the Van Nuys drive in to watch this movie. 3: Is a tie between Blazing Saddles and Rustlers Rhapsody. Two of the funniest westerns made. There have been a lot of comedies made in the last 50 years but these I feel are right up there as the best.

Steven L said...

While I do not disagree with your list Christopher, I am surprised by it. I was really expecting Groundhog's day to be on there, and as far as the Vacation series goes, I was pretty sure Christmas Vacation was your favorite.

Now, as for my list... I am not sure if I want to answer this as the "Best" Comedy or the "Funniest" comedy. Seeing as the purpose of a comedy is to be funny, I will choose funniest.

1) Ghostbusters - I watch this movie about twice a year and it still cracks me up. Everything about it. And the fact that it was made 27 years ago means that it has truly stood the test of time.

2) Airplane! - You might be thinking "Surely you must be joking Steven." To which I would reply, "No, I am not joking, and stop calling me Shirly" Come on, the title alone has an exclamation point in it... I loved all the one liners in this movie, and quote them on a regular basis.

3) The Ring - Hey, Steven, that wasnt a comedy, it was a horror/suspense flick... I have never laughed harder in a movie theater than I did to this movie when the horse jumped off of the boat...

3.5) (serious response) - The Hangover - I wanted something a little more modern on my list, and this has to be the funniest movie in the past 10 years. It is a hard thing now a days to do comedy that has not been done before. I know the type of humor in this movie has been done before, but they did a fantastic job at putting it together.

Honorable Mentions - Superbad, Monty Pythons Life of Brian/Holy Grail (I like Life of Brian more), 40 Year Old Virgin, American Pie and Theres Something About Mary. I have a feeling that most of these movies will not transcend time as well as my top 3(.5) movies did/will which is why I could not include them (except of course Monty Python). There's Something About Mary has already started to fall off the funny wagon.

Craig said...

okay ...this category has way too much to choose from , and everybody's sense of humor is different... 1.Vacations (original and Christmas definitely) 2.Dumb and Dumber ( like i said , it's all in the sense of humor )3. It's a mad mad mad mad world will always keep it's spot ....so many more though

Craig said...

but one of my all time favorites Arthur...

Christopher said...

Randy and Craig: Dumb and Dumber should be on my list. That would have been my 4th selection. Blazing saddles is great...but Spaceballs was MY generation and like I said...I saw it in the theater. haha

Steven: Groundhog Day would be expected, but I would regard it as so much more than just a pure comedy. Truly at its core, it would be a romantic comedy. Its in a class of its own anyways. As for the Vacation series, Christmas is a very close second to the original. But as I said, without the strong foundation that Vacation set, Christmas vacation would have never taken off. Your list....right on the money...except for the ring....but whatever. haha

I agree with the hangover. Comedy at its finest, and something that hasnt been done in a LONG time. As for your honorable mentions, those to me, are only momentarily funny. Something about Mary is funny in the first half, and then just collapses. The exception there is Monty Python. Thats another movie that will stand the test of time.

Good lists so far!!!

Anonymous said...

How can Animal House and Fast Times at Ridgemont High be excluded from this list?

Christopher said...

Easy. Although both are funny movies, along with countless other films, I don't think these are as funny as these three. Frankly, these wouldn't even be in my top 10. Thats okay though.