Tuesday, January 25, 2011

War Movies

So I decided that my first entry would be an easy topic for top 3 movies.  War movies.  Such a broad category.  Let me start by saying that whenever this topic came up, people always mention Top Gun.  Doesn't count.  Not a war, not even a conflict.  Something over the Persian Gulf with Soviet Fighters.  Get it out of your head...because it doesn't fit.  Later on if I do topic on Planes, Val Kilmer, or Good Guys Dying...it might qualify.  But probably not.

Top 3 War Movies

(always in no particular order)
Saving Private Ryan

Saving Private Ryan was only one of several movies in my lifetime that have made me physically ill.  The only movies I have ever walked out of, were movies that did not entertain me.  I walked out of Saving Private Ryan the first time, because I physically could not handle the opening Normandy scenes.  You can argue it was the camera style...but I can tell you...it was the content.  However, after watching this movie multiple times after that, it really connects.

From a BTS (behind the scenes) standpoint, it doesnt get much better than this.  Basically the Spielberg Dream Team: Directed by Spielberg; Filmed by Kaminski (also shot Cool as Ice...starring Vanilla Ice...dont hold that against him though); Cut by Kahn; Scored by Williams.  Add Matt Damon to the show....well...Awesome.

 Opening Scene.

Full Metal Jacket

Full Metal Jacket is a movie that I can still watch over and over.  Besides being able to recite the first 15 minutes of it verbatim....it also made me rethink joining the military when I was a teenager. Two acts, two stories...almost two different movies.

BTS: Kubrick made some gnarly movies.  Some SERIOUS attention to detail, which I will spare you in this post.

Rifle Range Scene
I couldn't find a scene that was clean enough to post.
Feel free to do your own searching.


Glory wasn't originally in my top three.  But after being swayed by my friend Benji...I have included it.  Not much I can say, other than watch it.

BTS: Morgan Freeman and Matthew Broderick.

Original Trailer

Next weeks Topic: Superhero Movies 
(i.e. Superman, Batman, Spiderman...just make sure you think of the movie....not just a character.)


Steven L said...

For one thing, I think there needs to be a distinction between TOP 3 and Favorite 3.... For instance, my favorite 3 war films would probably be:

Braveheart, The Patriot, and Empire of the Sun....

They are my favorite, because I could watch these movies every week and never get tired of them. However, I do understand that the events that took place in these movies were most likely embellished or didn't even happen and that the movie was made to entertain rather than to depict an actual war. My Top 3 would be Bridge Over the River Kuwai, Glory, and Casablanca.

Christopher said...

Top 3. Interpret it as you will. Next week....Superhero movies. Top 3. :-) See you there.

Unknown said...

ha!! bridge on the river KWAI was one of my favorites too......and now i got to go see glory cause everyone loves it so much......

nfc9rfan said...

Well I have seen a lot of movies in my day, but to name my top three war movies they would be Star wars, Battle of the buldge, and Pearl harbor. The best funny War movie is no doubt 1941. Of course this is just my opinion. Thanks christopher

Unknown said...

From Corrine:
Black Hawk Down
Saving Private Ryan
Empire of the Sun

Ash said...

Hotel Rwanda
Three Kings
Battle Royale - technically not a movie one would usually consider a war movie however, since you've mentioned "top 3 - interpret it as you will" I will justify by saying that it could be considered one since there is a war between each of the students trying to survive..... There, my top 3!
If that is not a good enough reason.....then I guess my next choice would be, Behind Enemy Lines.
Wow, that took me all week to come up with that! Haha

Julie said...

Does "Gone With the Wind" count? If so, that's definitely in my Top 3 along with "Braveheart" and "Saving Private Ryan."