Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Movies that Made You Cry

Lets venture away from excitement and go to a movie that really tugged on those heart strings.  If you say "I have never cried at a movie." you are either lying or have no soul.  Old Yeller and Bambi (yes, that wimpy deer) are your standard staple crying movies, but I wanted to go to a couple of movies that get me every time and aren't the usual (and don't involve animals dying).  Don't be shy...I am sure everyone has at least ONE movie that gets them every time.

Beware:  Lots of plot point spoilers in this post.
Top 3 Movies That Made You Cry

(always in no particular order)
My Girl
My Girl.  Believe it or not, I actually saw this in the theater...on a date.  I think I was in the 7th grade, and needless to say...it didn't go well.  I know that Macaulay Culkin was the IT kid of the time, with the success of Home Alone, but you didn't have to kill him!  And BEES?  To quote Dane Cook, "I would punch every Bee in the Face!".  I digress...this post is about movies that made me cry, and frankly, when he died, I did not cry.  The cue for my water works came when his best friend, shows up at the funeral and starts talking/crying over him when he is in the casket.  Really?!  Necessary?  Since I am putting it all out there, this scene STILL gets me. 

Note:  My brother used to run like her.  That's the only laugh I get out of this scene.

Bridge to Terabithia
Bridge to Terabithia.  Something special about this film, is that it was a book first.  I remember reading this in elementary school and the ending brought my whole class to tears.  We pretty much were done for the day, and the teacher took us outside on the playground to get it out of our system.  Only one other book did that that I can remember (Where the Red Fern Grows).  I watched this movie with Ashley, and needless to say....same effect. Same basic idea as My Girl, but it still has the formula of yanking on my heart strings.  Side note: When I was still working in commercial production, I did several commercials that this boy was in.  He was very well-behaved and super good on-set.  He has since become somewhat of a "star".

The Passion of the Christ
The Passion of the Christ.  I also saw this movie in the theater with my sister Kylie.  Ridiculous.  I probably missed half the film because I was so rattled by it.  I have it on DVD, and still have a hard time getting through it.  Aside from being an emotional roller coaster, it was actually a really well-made film, and despite the controversies that usually surround a film like this, its worth watching.  This too was based on a book...also worth reading.  ;-)
Beware: This is a VERY graphic film. (which is why I used the trailer for the clip.)

Next weeks Topic: Alfred Hitchcock Films - If you know me, then you know this is my favorite filmmaker of all time.  Your homework...watch at least ONE of his films between now and next week.  I have every film if you really want to borrow one. May I suggest you venture beyond Psycho and The Birds? And you KNOW that North by Northwest is going to be at the top of my list.


Name said...

Toy Story 3: Besides probably being (in my opinion) one of the best made films of all time, this one got me TWICE (only movie to do so). Especially hit home because I'm right in the demographic for the trilogy as it was made (Toy Story was the first movie I saw in theaters).

AI: A lesser known Spielberg, but definitely not a bad movie. This is another kids-and-death type crier, but not in the same way, seeing as the "kid" is a robot.

Finding Neverland: I was pretty young when I saw this (ok, yeah, I still am pretty young but I was even younger) so the suddenness of the mom's death really got me, even though anyone older would have caught the massive foreshadowing of her being sick for years.

Just signed up for Netflix DVDs a few nights ago and got Vertigo in the mail today, with more Hitchcock on the waiting list.

Christopher said...

Awesome movies. So glad you got Vertigo on your list. Get North by Northwest. Missed you tonight.

Ian said...

Philadelphia. Reminds me of watching my own mother die of cancer. Hard to watch. I've owned it on DVD for at least 10 years, but I've never been able to pull it off the shelf to watch. I'm gonna have to marinate on another 2. Up made me choke up a little, but not bawl my eyes out like a little sissy schoolgirl.

amy said...

Definately My Girl on top of the list . Also, When a Man Loves a Woman, and Reighn Over Me. Tissue needed everytime !

Ash said...

I've got one and one only....sadly I'm a heart-less wench and no other movie has made me cry... Ever! :-( Although you should know this one cus i've only seen it once..... *ahem* first movie we watched together.i.e. first date! ;-)
Anyway, Bridge to Terabithia.. great movie, terribly sad!

nfc9rfan said...

Movies that made you cry. Ok when I watch a movie I really get into it. So here goes my top 3.
1. (E.T.)I cried like a baby when they had to say goodbye.
2. I don't know if anybody will have even heard of this movie but it's (Stop The World I Want To Get Off. Me and a couple of buddy's went to see this movie as kids at a theatre and I was so embarassed crying like a bitch at the end.
3. This is crazy but when I had to screen (The Notebook) with the producers I had to leave the screening. All I could think of was my Mother in law and it took me a few hours to compose myself. I could not stop crying.
Thank God I had a good relationship with them and later they told me they wanted to get my reaction to the film. Man what in my opinion a powerful movie.

Christopher said...

These are great comments...amazing how the tears arise out of our own personal experiences...except for E.T. (maybe). Uncle Randy, I can even imagine sitting through a professional screening of one of my water-work inducing films. Outstanding though. Side note: E.T. was the first film I ever remember seeing. It was with my parents and we went and saw it in the drive-in (I believe on Winnetka).

Tricia said...

What Dreams May Come. I sob uncontrollably every single time. Now that I have two children of my own, I don't think I could even make it past the first scene.

Steven L said...

I cry during a few movies, some listed already, especially My Girl... So I will only list movies that have not been mentioned. By the way... Bridge to Tarabithia was a horrible movie... I mean come on, dragons, goblins, etc. Awesome right? Wrong... DEATH!!!! Dont get me wrong, I love the movie, but why would they make a movie that sad!

1) Homeward Bound - I have seen this movie about 20-30 times.... each time I watch it, I am not sure if shadow will come back... I am tearing up now just thinking of it...

2) Good Will Hunting - The final therapy session when Robin Williams is telling Matt Damon that its not his fault...

3) Old Yeller - I have not seen this movie many times because of how sad it is at the end. But each time I did... I cant help but have a few soggy lip quivers.

Honorable Mentions:
Shawshank Redemption, Field of Dreams, Star Trek 2: Wrath of Khan, and Life is Beautiful.

Casey said...

Lot of intresting ones here...i thought AI was awful...so much so that I didnt watch all of it...maybe ill give it a 2nd try. so heres the ALL TIME TEAR JERKER...
1. HOMEWARD BOUND. Cry every frikin time and steve and I hold each other and just hope shadow can get out of that pit...
2. Bridge to Taribethia- I watched this one in demand after the wife fell asleep when I read the whole thing about trolls and goblins and such and went "AWESOME...get my nerd movie in while corrine sleeps." Yeah I woke her up sobbing about 2 hours later telling her how much i loved her and to never cross rivers alone...needless to say she was confused.
3.Glory - This may not be a top three but it goes up there and hasnt been mentioned. They know its a suicide mission but they also know its bigger than the indivdual. Damn...gettin choked up thinking about it. Wall-E also belongs on here...love that little robot.

Christopher said...

Homeward Bound! Didnt even think of that. Casey wins with Glory though. Tragic Heroes...by definition. I cant even type this without getting chills on my arms and tears in my eyes.

Craig said...

way too many movies make me cry to try to find top 3 ... Notebook is way up there for personal experience reasons ... and then everything makes me cry , but 2. E.T. and 3. My Girl ... plus , i'm getting to that point that i don't remember the movies i've watched anyway... at least the saddness passes quickly

Unknown said...

Leahy boys :

Shaun (12) Says: The first movie I'm going to have to say is probably the soggiest movie I've ever seen. Bambi. Everyone has to cry at that. This may sound like an interesting choice which some of you may never see but, The sponge Bob movie made me cry alot because sponge bob almost died. Braveheart.

Kieran (10) Says:
Ok, I cried at Toy story 3 otherwise I'm a heartless little monster.

Rambo Rocky & Rango- Not Rearry.
Mr. Smith goes to Washington
Its a wonderful Life
Toy story 3

Unknown said...

My top 3 that do make me cry.

The way we were
Where the Red Fern grows- the book is still better!
Doctor Zhivago.

Christopher said...

Toy Story 3 seems to be a common thread for the younger ages. Braveheart is tragic, and yet very emotional. I can absolutely see that as tear-jerker, even though it didnt get me that way. As for Where the Red Fern Grows....I mentioned it in my post...it was the only other book that brought my whole class to tears. Good lists!

Animal Mother Williams said...

1. Toy Story 3 - If you grew up with the first Toy Story, you'll watch the third one and feel sentimental about your childhood days. Then you realize it's all over and the sadness is overwhelming.

2. The Fox and the Hound - AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Just thinking about a specific part in the movie makes me want to cry.

3. The Lion King - I don't think I have to explain which part.

Honorable mentions:
If there was a fourth on the list, it's gotta be Dancer in the Dark. While the other movies were heartfelt and had some innocence to them, Dancer in the Dark is probably the most depressing movie ever made. Then probably Grave of the Fireflies, A.I., and Million Dollar Baby.