Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Jack Nicholson Films

One of my favorite actors of all time.  (I feel like my intros get shorter and shorter)...

Top 3 Jack Nicholson Films

(always in no particular order)
The Shining
The Shining. I don't get "scared" by films (unless its just a truly bad film).  This movie scared me, and still scares me.  The first time I watched it, I was probably about 14, at home, with my best friend Jon, and my Mom.  Jon and I both had our feet up off the ground and clinging for dear life onto the couch.  Nicholson plays such a scary psycho in this film that its chilling.  Stanley Kubrick is very much present in this film with his "style".  Long shots, creepy lighting, screeches in the background. REDRUM!!! (This is my favorite scene in the whole movie...long....but worth watching)

Batman. This franchise all began with THIS film.  June 23, 1989.  No offense to Heath Ledger, but Jack Nicholson's Joker was FAR superior to Ledger.  That grin, that laugh, that purple suit.  Legendary.  Also, still my favorite Batman in the series.

Chinatown.  I have only recently seen this movie, even though its one of those "must-see" movies for film-geeks.  Its a tough watch for those that are looking for high-pacing, action, or in your face type scenes.  Very methodical, very detailed, and higher suspense than most.  Nicholson comes off as the smoothest in ALL of his films.

Honorable Mention:
The Departed
The Departed.  Only got an honorable mention, because this was such an outstanding cast, that you couldnt really give Nicholson credit for being his movie. 

Next weeks Topic: Mystery/Thriller Films


amy said...

Anger Management,(love that movie)As Good as it Gets, and The Bucket List. I know I like the simple flicks.

Name said...
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Christopher said...

Sorry Benji, Kubrick had nothing to do with Cuckoos Nest. Great performance by Jack though.

And I totally forgot about Few Good men.

Amy, Just saw bucket list and really liked it. Good flick.

nfc9rfan said...

Jack Nicholson is an actors actor. One of the best ever. His roles just come natural to him. I don't know if he has ever done a bad movie and some of his greatest have already been mentioned, but I'll just add my 2 cents worth.
1. (Wolf) is one of my favorites. It is just a little different from the actual Wolfman story. A little revenge involved.
2. (Hoffa) was good also. I think Jack did a great job portraying Jimmy Hoffa in this film.
3. (Prizzi's Honor) is a great film. If you have never seen it, I suggest you check it out. Guys would like this love story.
And that's my three. I could go on and on since Jack is one of my favorite actors but I'll just keep it to three.

Craig said...

well, The Shining is a given ..so considering that ..i would have to say "A Few Good Men" (i probably heard the whole courtroom battle with "you can't handle the truth!"with David reciting right along with it everyday for ever) i have witnesses... anyway Bucket List was great, and Somethings gotta Give..as Amy said, simple things

Name said...

A Few Good Men

The Shining (seen most of it, need to finish it but I've liked what I've seen even though I'm no fan of Kubrick, more on that later).

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
(For Nicholson's performance)
Edit: Milos Forman ruined that movie, always thought Kubrick directed it (probably because of Nicholson).

Ash said...

Love Jack!!!
Ok, going to have to agree with Amy on the first two...
1. Anger Management
2. The Bucket List
3. The departed (only because I have listened to that movie in the car more times than I can remember but still need to see it in the living room, comfy couch and surround sound!)

Shining - pshhhh, hah! Yea right, do you know me!

P.S. So overdue but I'm hoping to keep up with these this time! :-D