Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Jack Nicholson Films

One of my favorite actors of all time.  (I feel like my intros get shorter and shorter)...

Top 3 Jack Nicholson Films

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Summer Films

In honor of the summer...I present the best Summer films.  I really have not other introduction.  Go with it.

Top 3 Summer Films

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Science Fiction Films

Okay...So I missed last week...its been hectic.  And then to top it off, when I went to post it this week, it deleted and I didnt feel like re-typing it.

This genre is actually quite broad if you analyze what would constitute a science fiction film.  Out of my selected movies, only one of them is a movie I actually watched on my own, and did not have to be talked into checking out.   All of my selections are movies that I could really just pick up anywhere and start watching.

Top 3 Science Fiction Films

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Gangster Films

Gangster.  Interpret that how you will.  I have about 20 different archetypes in my head for what I believe is a Gangster.  This will be a tough one since this is one of my favorite genres (Mafioso types).  You will notice that The Godfather is absent from this list.  Although this is regarded as one of the best of all time, I was never much of a fan.  Sue me.  Dont have much more of an introduction.  Go for it.  :-)  NOTE: NONE of these clips or movies are family friendly....you've been warned.

Top 3 Gangster Films

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Steven Spielberg Films

In terms of Hollywood Icons...Steven Spielberg is one of them.  Although he has had his hands in just about EVERY major film for the last 20 years, for purposes of MY top 3, I am only using films that he directed.  You, the reader, can choose really any of his films...for whatever reason.  Little side note about Spielberg...when I was still a Boy Scout Youth, I achieved my Eagle Scout, and one of the congratulatory letters I received was from Spielberg.  For a teenager that was pursuing a career in the film industry, that was a prized possession.

Top 3 Steven Spielberg Films

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Natalie Portman Films

So I have a thing for Natalie Portman.  Fortunately for purposes of this blog...she also has some cool movies under her belt.  Sadly though...there are only a couple.  I don't expect a lot of posts with different responses, but I am sure there will be some other opinions regardless.  Next weeks topic will surely make up for the lack of options that this week holds.

Top 3 Natalie Portman Films

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Animated Feature Films

Animated Feature Films = Cartoon Movies.  I'm going to guess that most folks would go right to Disney Films when it comes to animated movies.  Since I already used that as a category, I tried to steer away from those choices.  After I made my selections, I thought it was weird that only ONE of these films was from my childhood.  The other two I saw as an adult.  This made me think of a quote that I used to refer back to when I was really into working in the film business "True family entertainment appeals to the most sophisticated as well as the least sophisticated member of the family"  The creator of the Simpsons, Matt Groening, said that.  Probably why The Simpsons is still on the air.  Too bad the movie sucked.

Top 3 Animated Feature Films

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Chick Flicks

First off, I need to apologize for not posting last week.  I was in the hospital for an evening, and then at home in bed for a week in major pain.  Not able to chew solid food, let alone type about movies.  This being a Film blog...I'll spare you the details on my issue.  I am doing better though.  Thanks for asking.  :-)

Chick Flick.  Although it does not have the most positive of connotations, it is still a designation that movies sometimes unofficially get.  I would not consider it a bad thing, just something to be aware of when you are picking out a film to watch.  Besides, if I really didn't like chick flicks, wouldn't I just eliminate that topic from here?

Top 3 Chick Flicks

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Alfred Hitchcock Films

I was going to save this topic for the very end of my blog (yes...I do have an end planned).  But I couldn't wait any longer.  Alfred Hitchcock.  My favorite director of all time.  Some of the best films ever made.  My Grandfather worked with Hitchcock and was even in the show Alfred Hitchcock Presents.  Very few of his films were scary.  Intense, thriller, mystery, suspense.  He also handpicked some of the best casts of all time.  I could probably do a 50 page dissertation on this, but in keeping with the spirit of this blog, I will refrain.

Top 3 Alfred Hitchcock Films

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Movies that Made You Cry

Lets venture away from excitement and go to a movie that really tugged on those heart strings.  If you say "I have never cried at a movie." you are either lying or have no soul.  Old Yeller and Bambi (yes, that wimpy deer) are your standard staple crying movies, but I wanted to go to a couple of movies that get me every time and aren't the usual (and don't involve animals dying).  Don't be shy...I am sure everyone has at least ONE movie that gets them every time.

Beware:  Lots of plot point spoilers in this post.
Top 3 Movies That Made You Cry